
How to wear your vintage outfit and look modern?

How to wear your vintage outfit and look modern?

Worried that if you wear your vintage outfit you will look like you’ve stepped out of the fashion bin? Below we have 5 helpful tips to take your vintage style up a notch!

1. Combine vintage with modern clothes. Choose your main vintage piece and pair it with your modern clothes. Mixing vintage and modern clothes is the easiest way to start setting up your vintage style.

Extra tip: Don’t forget that you can choose modern pieces from second hand stores for a more affordable look.

2.Fashionable accessories. Combining vintage clothes with modern shoes, bags and sunglasses is an easy way to ground an otherwise impressive vintage outfit, bring it into your style and wear it any time of the day you choose.

Extra tip. You can go the opposite. That is, wear a modern outfit and make it special by combining it with astonishing vintage jewelers and sunglasses.

3. Choose clothes that look like modern fashion trends. You certainly have noticed that many designers and fashion brands are inspired by the vintage trend and they have adopted it in their new lines collections. Finding and wearing the matching authentic vintage clothing is an easy way to achieve the modern look you are looking for.

Extra tip: You can make small changes to the garment (buttons, padding, etc.) if you need to, in order to achieve the effect you want.

4. Contemporary hair and makeup. Every era is characterized not only by clothes but also by hair and makeup style. Your current haircut and makeup (unless you spend hours recreating expensive vintage hair and makeup looks) already helps your outfit to look modern.

Extra tip: If you want to take your style a step further, try modern versions of classic hairstyles that will complete your look, giving a wink to the modern era.


For an outing in LA earlier this year, Rihanna wore a pair of Tom Ford era Gucci jeans from the house’s spring/summer 1999 ready-to-wear collection. RiRi finished the look with a matching (and equally extra) floofy hat, a white tee and stilettos. Sourse:Cosmopolitan

5. Modern styling trends. Apply the master stylistic trends (mix & match, color blocking , monochrome, oversized jackets, layering etc.) to your vintage outfit. Whether you have chosen a total vintage one or you have combined it with modern pieces you can always apply your favorite stylistic trends and stand out with a modern result. The choice of vibrant colors (color blocking or monochrome), the amazing combinations of fabrics and patterns (mix & match) make an outfit look uniquely modern and totally timeless at the same time.

Extra tip: Keep in mind that your outfit is self-expression. Don’t try to copy the different outfits and style trends but be inspired by them and adapt them to your own personality.



The above are just a few ways to wear a vintage outfit without looking like you’re wearing old-fashioned clothes. The possibilities are truly endless and the more you look into it, the easier it will be to delve into different styles so you will be able to express your own creativity and unique spirit.


Mix & match may just be the most fun way to set up your vintage look! Sourse:closetstorieschania

And don’t forget…

You can always go a little further! Personally, I absolutely love when I meet a person whose style breaks the mold and moves between theatricality and reality. I’m all in for wearing what makes you feel good, especially if what you feel good in is an expression of your spirit and creativity! So don’t be afraid to stand out in the way you choose!